Happy New Year!

We were featured in

The top 9 Museums in the City!

Woodside Heights Art Museum - Jane Visits Every Museum in New York City

NY Post mention!

as the city’s Biggest hidden Gem!

Stay Tuned for our next exhibit!

Opening Monday Sept. 2nd!

with artist Samarra Khaja!!!

New Exhibit for 2024!

WHAM! Exhibition Opening and Community Party

Memorial Day Monday May 27, 2024

Starting at 12 noon 

4148 54th Street Woodside Queens NY 11377

Free Seltzer and Popcorn Bar

Come One Come All 

Museum Dollar, the world’s first Museum Gift Shop Dollar Store

will be open with amazing bargains galore.

Lost & Found: Ring the Bell” is the first WHAM! window exhibition for 2024. On view are eighteen ID cards found over the years in and around Woodside, Queens. We seek to return, these work badges; photocopies of a New York State driver’s license left in the photocopier at the Woodside public library; “Escorted Visitor Pass #10” from Queensboro Correctional Facility (hmmmm how could such an ID go missing?); five different people’s cards spotted in  a suspicious stack atop a signal box on Roosevelt Avenue at 60th Street; even Sr. Martinez Perez’ 1967 Puerto Rico driver’s license, mysteriously found in the dirt of the tree bed next door. With the help of neighbors and Facebook groups like We Are Woodside, WHAM! has returned dozens of IDs to their rightful owners. Also on display are dozens of identification stickers and cards, and even a passport, found in other neighborhoods across the five boroughs. Are the ones on display yours? (the names of people on cards found in Woodside are listed below) Do they belong to a friend? Ring the bell and we’ll gladly return them!

_ntonio Martinez Perez, A. Butorina, Afroza, Bhimjibhai Hadaliya Nareshkumar, Ency Martinez, Konstantin Olkhin, LaToya, Leticia Flores, Lorraine A. Kearney, Luis M. Yascaribay, Marghot Lisbet Galabay, MD Shahajuddin, Ronan Madden, Shavaz Husain, Sonam Gurung, Wagdy Nessim


MOLLY has been selected for WHAM!’s Second Window Exhibition.

Opening on Monday September 4th @ 12 Noon.

more info coming soon!


Open Call

MAY 23, 2023

At the ribbon-cutting on May 29th at noon, WHAM! will announce its First Open Call for proposals for future community-centric exhibitions.

Once the proposals have been received (deadline July 15, 2023), a panel of Woodside artists and WHAM leaders will convene to select the most promising projects for WHAM's second 2023 exhibition, to open over Labor Day Weekend 2023 and continue through December 2023.


Meet WHAM!, NYC’s newest art museum

MAY 23, 2023

“The Woodside Heights Art Museum (WHAM!) is a free public space with the mission to instill community pride through the celebration of local art, history and culture…”

Photo by Nitin Mukul